
Keeping in mind various rules and guidelines of the psychological world, I have strictly maintained this blog in a 'free advice' format. 

 It is (rightfully so) considered to be unethical to impart solutions to  psychological problem without possessing a proper degree in the subject. Despite my deep fondness, experience and fluency in the subject, I feel the need to mention that I do not have 'formal' training and that the advice given in this blog should properly be examined before being implemented.

 As with any kind of advice, take it at your own risk.
But whether the advice is appropriate or not, I do urge you to follow the basic principle: Do whatever you feel is right to remain happy!

All images used in this blog are derived from arbitrary sources on the internet. (Except for blog logos and personal photographs). No copyright infringement found as of March 2014. If any images are noticed to be copyrighted, please contact at shawngoa1@gmail.com or through here.  


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