Sunday, 15 September 2013

The Hand That Feeds

There is just something about that relationship between a parent and a child! They posses a sense of awareness about each other and a unity that isn't present in any other relationship in both their lives. No one can explain it but everyone can agree to it's divinity.

Pure, Unconditional and Divine.
Scientifically its said that we are born, 'Pre-Programmed' to bond intimately with our Primary Caregiver.

When we're born we possess a bundle of emotions which are in a constant state of flux.

Our first interactive relationship determines how those same feelings develop and how they influence all the later relationships in our lives.

Personally I believe in a particular "Inverse-Positive" theory. Postulated in psychology under various names. Let's see what it's about.

Take a moment to inspect yourself and your attitude towards relationships.

I am talking about both, platonic and non-platonic ones. For ease of understanding, we'll consider non-platonic relationships (Relationships that involve lust and physical attraction in addition to emotional connections). Study your thoughts and keep a clear idea of your attitude in your mind for a minute.

In addition  keep in mind a true idea of your relationship with your parents.

Run over these ideas a few times.

Once the concepts are clear in your mind, read this!:

As human beings, we all crave for emotional connections, the most common one being 'Love'.. Most people are able to fulfill all their desires with the primary relation with parents.. Those who aren't able to do this with that relationship, try to establish another relationship which makes up for all the missing intimacy.

If you understood that last statement, the attitude you have in your mind about relationships will start to make more sense now! Those who have a strong relationship with either of their parents realize that they aren't really that concerned about finding a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. 

They will also most likely settle down because they 'have to' and not because they 'want to' while those who have weaker bonds are always on the lookout for a partner. The strength of the attitude depends on how good/bad the primary relationship is.

The latter group of individuals experience much more happiness albeit for shorter periods of time while the former although not as happy as the latter, experience happiness for longer periods, lasting entire phases of their lives. But know that the former are actually able to establish 'better' relationships than the others. But it's entirely subjective since the person's opinion of a 'better' relationship is just as varied as their attitude.

These are extreme and ideal situations. It is very rare that the primary relationships are either 'Very Good' or "Very Bad'. We usually lie in the middle and within us, some people slightly lean to either side. So don't be too concerned. It's what makes you unique. And that's never a bad thing unless you let it be one!

The Hand is Always There for Us.
Whether We Want to Hold on to it is Our Choice.
Our relationships with our parents directly influence our lives. So we must try to build upon it as much as we can, make up for lost hours and always keep in mind the sacrifices that they have made for us. :-) 

Cheesy, but true nevertheless.

Contact and patience might fade in due course of time, no doubt. The love never does though.

It Lasts Forever.

Signing Off,
Shawn Kenneth Fernandes

P.S: For further reading, you might wanna check out the "Attachment Theory" which correlates the person's behavior in general, with the Primary Relationship. It also includes other aspects of personality. Happy Reading!

Wiki Link: Attachment Theory

And don't forget to comment if you agree or disagree with this theory.


  1. A really insightful and clear cut dive into a vast and sometimes inexplicable topic. I'm sure it will open eyes all over the world. Great job.

  2. I wish sometimes I was closer to my mother. Never let small inconveniences of life tear you away from your parents. Take it from an experienced person. As you grow up, only your parents can return some semblance of hope to your life when all fails.

  3. @Edward, you can still work to fix the relationship no matter how old you are. I do know how much parents can help you when things get difficult. Best of luck with your life! Cheers!

  4. Michelle Wilburne23 May 2014 at 22:43

    Really interesting to know about such a theory exists. Gives you a new insight on your own life!



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