Saturday, 15 March 2014

The Light at The End of The Tunnel Pt.1

You might feel like this sometimes.
Falling helplessly, past your life.

We all reach that point in life where everything around us seems to be crumbling.

All that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong.

Your life stops making sense. All your decisions seem like bad ones.

And to worsen it all, it seems like you'll never escape it. You feel like your future is uncertain and you shudder at the thought of that!

Sound familiar? I'm guessing that if you've got this far into my blog, that you must've experienced something like this at least once. It's human nature and it's simply because human beings are never happy with what they have.

It all starts with one small incident and then it turns into days of self-pity and doubt. In many ways, it's like an avalanche. One small disturbance is enough to initiate it. It progressively grows until it's huge and starts affecting everything in it's path.

But do you know what happens after a while, to that big galloping sheet of snow? Quite simply, when it's at it's biggest and most destructive point, it simply slows down right to a halt. And it becomes a passive part of the mountain again. And any onlooker would be oblivious to the fact that an avalanche just took place, simply because everything looks normal.

And that's exactly what'll happen to our problems. They disappear entirely And I'm sure I don't have to convince you of that. But what I do have to do is remind you about it.. Because, no matter how experienced we might be, we'll still feel that pain. And we still feel the uncertainty.

The Night is always at it's darkest just 
before Dawn. Rest assured that your life 
works the same way!
Such pain forces us to change. And that’s a good thing because we often won’t move unless circumstances force us to. Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.  

Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you.  When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow.

Don’t be afraid to get back up to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again.  

To be continued in "The Light at The End of The Tunnel Pt.2"

Signing Off,
Shawn Kenneth Fernandes


  1. Freddie Walker15 May 2014 at 23:52

    Oh my God! This is an amazing piece. I don't know how, but you completely nailed what I'm going through at the moment. I know many people who've gone through the same and your words are beyond comforting. Thank you for the help you inadvertently gave me! May you be blessed.

  2. Why, thank you! I did nothing more than write down my own experiences. I only decided to share it here because I discovered many of my friends going through almost the same experience. Glad it resonated so deeply! Take care!

  3. Oswaldo Riviera19 May 2014 at 15:06

    Been through this way more times than I want to admit. We over-think things sometimes, to be honest. I'm lucky to have a loving girlfriend who showed me the way the last few times it has happened. That's all you need really. Someone who you can be yourself with.



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