Thursday, 15 May 2014

Through Fallacious Eyes

Hello readers!

This is not a new article for The Evanescent Dream,
but an intro/gateway/teaser for my new blog! It's called "Through Fallacious Eyes".

It's important to have a strong open minded approach to the everything. The world is full of amazing people who write amazing things, create amazing art and the like. The problem is they remain relatively unknown by the masses.


Simply because their work is unconventional and unfamiliar to the point that it alienates the general audience. They feel out of place.

Human beings at the innermost level don't like change. So they avoid what they don't understand in fear that what they already know and love might change.

This would all be well and good if what they were missing out on wasn't amazing.

Hence the need to develop an 'open and analytic mindset'. A mindset that will not only give you a chance to understand the unexplored depths of the world but also help improve your daily interactions and life in general.

This does to a degree fit into the blog description of the current blog but the topic is so vast that it deserves its own series. Hence my decision to start a secondary blog to supplement this one.

I also decided to use WordPress for this new blog just to bring in some variety.

You can enter the blog by clicking the following link:

Through Fallacious Eyes

Thank you, loyal readers for all the lovely words and enthusiasm. Looking forward to writing for a long time!

Signing Off,
Shawn Kenneth Fernandes


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